Latest Version: 12.4
- Allergen management in ingredient level
- Fetches Technical Data from PubChem
- Customers management
- Generate IFRA Certifications
- Customers management
- Auto generate finished product (cost and usage levels)
- Batch ID management
- Auto print allergens
- Progress bar to indicate noes level usage
- Ingredient profile in list
- IFRA Lirary support (you can import the xls file)
- Database backup/restore
- IFRA and Ingredients stats
- Ingredient odor profile
- Formula gender (men,women,unisex)
- User management
- SDS Support
- Metadata Support
- Real time costing of materials during creating
- Total cost calculation
- Product Branding
- User Avatar
- Multiply or divide all formula quantity
- Pyramid values can now be set in settings page
- Advanced Dashboard layout
- Purity levels
- Installation wizard
and much more…